New Earth FarmA permaculture farm in Redmond Washington

A permaculture farm in Redmond Washington

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Hi. My name is Tom Armstrong. I have an intense love for the earth. About 2008 I had a vision, to create a place in the world that would exemplify a healthy, organic way of life and relationship to the earth.

New Earth Farm is the result of that vision, a farm based upon permaculture principles and a place where people could come, learn and actually get their hands in the ground. The farm is now is a mature, producing example how organic farming can be done in a functional and sustainable way.

Please feel free to email me for information or questions.

Thanks for stopping by!

Supporting you and everyone in health and life,


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New Earth Farm is an active and fully functioning permaculture farm that also incorporates some bio-dynamic and nutritional farming ideas.

New Earth Farm offers "hands-on" teaching sessions in permaculture principles demonstrating these farming concepts.

A schedule of offerings will be posted soon.

Internships are available. Please email at or call 425.241.2425 for more information.
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Click here for a slide show of New Earth Farm.